Volume 05,Issue 02

Properties of Laterite Soils from Sources Near Nibong Tebal, Malaysia


Mohammad Razip Selamat, Ros Nadiah Rosli, Muhd Harris Ramli

Laterite soils sourced from the interior have been used as fill and construction materials in development projects over the soft coastal quaternary deposits in the Northern States of Peninsular Malaysia. However, studies carried out on these materials have not properly summarized their engineering properties that they can be used as aid for future works. Data from tests involving 17 samples from Nibong Tebal area which were part of a larger collection were analysed. The Maximum Dry Densities (MDD) due to the modified proctor tests carried out on the samples ranged between 1.36Mg/m3 and 2.05Mg/m3, while the optimum moisture content (OMC) ranged between 10% and 28.8%. The MDD was found strongly correlated against the OMC and the Plastic Limit (PL), while moderately correlated against the Plasticity Index (PI). The MDD against the rest of investigated parameters were found poorly correlated. The OMC was found strongly correlated against PL and moderately correlated against PI. Other OMC correlations were poor. Furthermore, the laterites of Nibong Tebal, were found to consist on the average, 10.96% gravel, 45.94% sand, and 43.10% fines. The average particle size (D50) was 0.17mm. The average coefficients of uniformity (CU) and conformity (CC) were 150.32 and 0.98 respectively. The average liquid limit (LL), PL, and PI were 55.68%, 35.22%, and 20.40% respectively. Most of the laterites fall under the SC and SM classifications according to the USCS system and A-5 and A-7-6 classifications according to the AASHTO system, which indicate suitability for fill and construction materials.

Keyword: Laterite soil, Maximum dry density, Parameter correlations, Plastic limit, Plasticity index.

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