Volume 06,Issue 03

News Recommendation Algorithm Based on Deep Learning


Shaik Sohail Ahmed, Usama Hanif

Reading news articles online from different news sources has become a widely Popular around the globe. With a wide variety of news, articles available users are easily overwhelmed by information that they interested in. News recommender systems are one of the best approaches that help the user to find their interesting articles to read. The news recommender system presents the user the articles they are interested in rather than presenting them in order of their occurrence.In our work, we present our research on developing a news recommendation system with the help of the IT Home News App. We build the recommendation model from the two directions of user interest transfer and situational factors intersection where we consider the user interests and geo factors. The final prediction result of the whole model is made by combining the prediction of the two models. By combining two models, the whole recommendation model can obtain generalization ability and memory ability at the same time, which can better predict the news that users are interested in at the next time point and recommend the article to the users.

Keyword: Recommendar System, Deep learning, News Recommendations, Neural Networks.

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