Volume 06,Issue 04
Traveling with Greater than the Speed of Light: A New Concept in Infinite Energy Condition
Noorbakhsh Amiri Golilarz, Muhammad Ammar Khan
We introduce a new concept of massive body travel with less than the speed of light, with the speed of light, and with greater than the speed of light in a circular path. According to Einstein’s equation E=mc^2, energy and mass are exchangeable. If a person is moving with the speed of light, its mass will increase (i.e.body traveling with 90% of the speed of light then its mass becomes double). Einstein’s equation also tells us, if the mass is converted into some energy, it also means how much energy resided in the mass. According to scientists’ thinking, at this stage, a massive body cannot travel at the speed of light. If an object travels with the speed of light, the time stops and the mass of the body becomes infinite which is unrealistic but here we introduce a unique theoretical concept about energy, time and space with the help of the following cases: We consider that the body (say; we) rotate along a circular path or rotate around the pole with some speed, If; Speed of the body is slightly less than the speed of light: It is possible to move from one place to another in a short interval of time. When the speed is high enough but less than the speed of light, then we can see our backside but not touch it. Speed of body is equal to the speed of light: If an object(we) travel with the speed of light in a circular path, there is a chance to catch ourself. It means that we will be at the initial point from where we started our rotation, the time will stop, and probably our whole mass will be converted into energy. Speed of body is greater than the speed of light: If an object (we) travel with the speed of light in a circular path, there is a chance that we pass through
Keyword: Traveling , Speed of Light
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