Volume 10,Issue 02

An Indirect Contribution to Urban Ecology; Selçuklu Canyon Park


Yavuz Arat, Mehmet Uysal

The city of Konya, one of the oldest settlements in Anatolia, has maintained this characteristic in various periods in the historical process and has been a dense settlement area with both historical accumulation and economic potential, especially during the republican period. Depending on the increase in population, construction activities in the city have been continuous and have spread continuously in the city. For the natural materials required for these construction activities, various stone, sand, aggregate, and soil areas around Konya were used. Because of this utilization, the natural habitats were degraded and the natural structure was destroyed. Today, because of the expansion of the city, these areas have started to remain within the city boundary. For the surrounding settlements, this area has started to pose a danger for living activities and the deterioration of the natural structure. In this context, the idea of bringing Yaz?r quarries back into urban ecology and turning them into a landscape element for the city has emerged. Accordingly, the construction of the area, which was designed by Selçuklu Municipality in 2008, began. In this study, the changes in this area before and after and the ecological contributions of this project to the urban landscape were analyzed. As a result, the process that the area, which has been restored to the urban landscape, has undergone has been questioned within the scope of rehabilitation and urban transformation processes of areas degraded as a result of mining activities.

Keyword: Degraded landscapes, Mine quarry, Nature restoration, Regeneration, Selçuklu-Konya, Yazır quarries.

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