Volume 04
   The Second National & First International Conference on Soft Computing (University of Guilan)

2-D simulation Study of a SOI-MESFET with Two Steps in the Channel to Improve Breakdown Voltage


Ali Naderi, Kamran Moradi Satari

The presented structure improves the breakdown voltage in silicon on insulator metal semiconductor field effect transistors (SOI-MESFETs). Two steps have been symmetrically used in the bottom of the channel. To simulate the device behavior, SILVACO software is employed together with Newton-Raphson method in order to numerically solve the equations. These two additional steps increase the breakdown voltage of the proposed device in comparison with its conventional counterpart. This increase is due to the redistribution of the potenial lines inside the device and modification in electric field in the presence of two additional steps. So, the proposed structure is a proper device for high voltage applications.

Keyword: Simulation, Breakdown, Transistor, Current, Voltage.

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