Volume 03,Issue 03
Temperature Fluctuations for a Platoon of Vehicles in Contact with a Heat Bath
Serhan Ozdemir, Caglar Kosun
Traffic flow is often thought of highly stochastic multi degrees of freedom event. Studies have shown that it has mesoscopic dynamics, and in fact rarely a Boltzmann-Gibssian type statistical mechanics. Instead, traffic flow should be handled within a nonadditive and possibly nonextensive statistical mechanics framework. A platoon formation is a well-organized collection of vehicles. The idea behind the platoon of vehicles is that the efficient use of the infrastructure may greatly be enhanced if there is an increase in the cooperation and organization. A well-controlled platoon of vehicles is a highly organized body of particles where the speed of the vehicles or intervehicle spacing is aimed to be held constant during the regular cruising conditions. It is claimed that a well-organized and controlled platoon of vehicles is in fact a system which is weakly coupled to a heat bath, forming the canonical ensemble. Authors propose that a platoon of vehicles at constant mean speed, evenwith fluctuations, be equivalent to a system with finite degrees of freedom (dof) weakly coupled to a much larger dof reservoir whose temperature variance is a function of its dof. An equivalent number of vehicles concept is devised as a function of the reciprocal of thetemperature variance. It is shown that as long as the reservoir dof is much larger than the platoon dof, the finite reservoir may then safely be assumed as an infinite reservoir.
Keyword: Vehicular platoon, Nonextensivity, Traffic flow, Heat bath, Temperature fluctuations.
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